# 2.6.15
+ Brand new Saving and Loading feature. Use `-save (save file name)` to save your current units, buildings, terrain and more, and `-load (save file name)` to load it all back up!
+ New announcement chat messages. If you are the host, start your messages with an "!" or "%" to send an Announcement message or a Warning Announcement messages, respectively.
+ New RP chat messages. Just start your messages with an ">" to send them as RP messages!
+ New IC chat messages. Just start your messages with an "#" to send them as IC messages, as if said by a unit/hero!
+ New `-erase` command. Removes all current buildings and units you have.
+ New `-kill` command. Kills the currently selected unit.
+ New `-explode` command. Explodes the currently selected unit.
+ New `-text (string)` command. Create text anywhere on the map! Useful for cities and the such.
+ New `-textsize (integer)` command. Select a range from 5-15 for how big your placed text should be!
+ New `-textremove (id)` command. Remove placed text with its respective id!
+ New "Select Command Position" ability in Obelisk of Players. This functions similarly to the "Select Unit" ability, as in it selects a position to be used for certain commands.
+ New "Select IC Unit" ability in Obelisk of Players. This selects a unit to be used for "#" / IC chat messages!
+ New "Training Footmen" in Deco Worker (Animation).
+ New Loading Screen.
+ New "Hammer of the Shadowlord" and "Blade of the Highlord" items.
+ Entire revamp of the Orcish race.
+ Squires no longer cost food.
+ Paladins no longer have old description.
+ A bunch of unit-heroes have their inventories fixed.
+ Adjusted animations of Bowmen and Arbalesters. (Still not really fixed but I'm not calculating that shit. Modeller's fault for not giving us the values to begin with.)
+ Battering Rams and other transport human units can no longer carry copies of each other.
+ Battering Rams and Battle Chariots can only carry two units now.
+ Carters can only carry four units now.
+ Carters and Battle Chariots are now mechanical.
+ Battle Chariots can now target flying units.
+ Map is SD-only again. (When did it switch to both?? No idea.)
+ Carters now act as gold and lumber drop-offs.
+ Human "Hawks" replaced with "Armored Eagles".
# 2.5.2
+ Fixed unit heroes having wrong player color if you're not Player 1. (Hopefully?)
+ Female Footman, Female Captain and Female Mage heroes now have hero glow.
+ Human Shipyard, Dwarven Shipyard, Scarlet Shipyard, Gilneas Shipyard, and High Elf Barracks now have 1 second building time.
# 2.5.1
+ Fixed `default` setting for `-era` command not working.
# 2.5.0
+ Entire revamp of the Human race. WAYYY too many changes to list here.
+ Added Kristy, Karina, ValadusX, and Cresselia to the list of donators.
+ Changed the spacing of the lines in the Credits part of F9.
+ New Tavern of Champions at spawn, where Supporters/Donators can get their custom heroes.
+ New Obelisk of Legendary Items at spawn, where items created by me will be added from now on.
+ New "Lost Book of Deathblade" item, with 6 unique summoning spells.
+ New -era command, with further options `doom`, `gloom`, `peace`, `tension`, `void`, `war`, `zero`, and `default`. Host-only.
+ Replaced the models of all the High Elven buildings.
+ Fixed `-setherostat` not working for Players 11 and 12.
+ Removed "Community Edition" from the host playerlist from the menu, before starting a game.
+ Deco workers now have Max Speed.
+ New... `-KARL` command..?
# 2.4.0
+ Tauren Great Hall no longer duplicates itself upon upgrade.
+ Nordrassil is no longer owned by Player 4 when the game starts.
+ Removed Potion of Erasure from the Goblin Merchant.
+ Added all the Donators to the Credits, with fancy colored names.
+ New -height command, which changes the height of the target unit.
+ New -setstat command, able to change `hp`, `maxhp`, `mana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `damage`, `speed` of a unit/hero/building.
+ New -setherostat command, able to change `str`, `int`, `agi` of a hero.
+ Replaced Gundrak model.
+ Replaced Nexus model.
+ Replaced Kharazhan model.
+ Replaced Zul'aman model
+ New area at spawn where you can buy every item from Warcraft 3 (Campaign and Melee) + A bunch of custom items.
+ All items now have an initial stock timer of 1 to 0.
+ All items now have a maximum and default stock amount of 100.
+ All charged items are no longer charged, instead being permanent.
+ Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination can now be dropped.
# 2.3.0
+ Units no longer have magic immunity.
+ New -codename command that gives out the default name of a unit/building. (Meant for debug/dev use.)
+ Replaced the building models of the Bandit race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Argent race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Dark Iron Dwarves race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Dwarven race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Worgen race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Scarlet race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Wretched race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Pandaren race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Tauren race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Blackrock Orcs race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Chaos Orcs race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Tuskarr race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Troll race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Nerubian race.
+ Replaced the building models of the Gnoll race.
+ Added some new building models to the Dalaran race.
+ Added some new building models to the Vrykul race.
+ Added some new building models to the Ogre race.
+ New Human Banners Deco Worker, with the banners of the 7 human kingdoms.
+ New Misc Banners Deco Worker, with the banners of Dwarven Clans/Cities + Pandaren allegiances.
+ New Village Buildings Deco Worker, with various village buildings.
+ New City Buildings Deco Worker, with various city buildings.
+ New Dwarf Buildings Deco Worker, with various dwarf city buildings.
# 2.2.5
+ fixed lich king not being capturable.
+ fixed short version of Rotate command ('f) not working.
# 2.2.4
+ added new Zoom command (-zoom xxxx)
+ added new Wander and Unwander commands, which give/remove the wander ability from a unit (makes units move randomly like critter)
+ added short versions of Rotate, Size, Give and Unit Color commands ('f, 's, 'g and 'c respectively)
# 2.2.3
+ map is SD only now.
# 2.2.2
+ added 2.2.0 commands to command list.
# 2.2.1
+ fixed unally command
+ alliance settings are no longer locked.
+ fixed new walls/towers being angled on slopes.
# 2.2.0
+ rotation abilities are now instant (no more delay by one usage)
+ rotation abilities for 20 and 90 degrees have been changed to 15 and 60 degrees respectively
+ new rotate command (-rotate xxx)
+ added new Death decoworker
+ added new Farmer decoworker
+ added new Stone Architecture decoworker
+ new removeblockers command. toggles on/off whether Remove Destructibles will remove pathing blockers (-removeblockers on/off)
+ added new Create Pathing Blocker ability.
+ added new Display Destructibles ability, which displays all destructibles in a target area (including pathing blockers)
# 2.1.0
+ fixed arrays not having initial values for all players
+ tree area was made smaller
+ new gate area next to tree area
+ they have indicators now
+ another empty void area has been turned into potential space for interiors
+ circle can now load/unload units.
+ increased max command length for some commands like unitname, heroname and animation.
+ changed model of Temple of Shadows, should no longer be bugged.
+ removed pathing of Throne 2
+ added settime and settimespeed commands for host. (-settime xx.xx) (-settimespeed xxx)
+ added blightspread and unblightspread commands, makes target unit spread blight. (-blightspread, -unblightspread)
+ added new Place Blight and Remove Blight abilities in World Manipulation. obvious what they do by name.
# 2.0.1
+ fixed commands not working for player 2
+ fixed gate commands
# 2.0.0
+ added tint command. works with values from 10 to 99, and an additional 4th value will include transparency. (-tint xx xx xx [xx])
+ fixed bug with saying commands mid-sentence actually triggering the commands
+ added roll command. rolls value between 1 and your value (-roll x)
+ added new tile size command. allows you to increase the size of your tile placement (max 3, default 1). (-tilesize x)
+ shift-clicking tile placement is fast now.
+ added unally command. automatically unallies the numbered player (-unally x)
+ added ally command. automatically allies the numbered player (-ally x)
+ in the back-end, the gates have been entirely rewritten.
+ in the back-end, capturable structures have been entirely rewritten.
+ added give command. automatically gives the selected unit to the numbered player (-give x)
+ roleplayer's menu can now move (instantly), and a bunch of abilities have been re-arranged.
+ initialization triggers have been rewritten.
+ roleplayer's menu is now roleplayer's circle, and can build the wisps.
+ as such, the circle of power has been removed as the wisp builder.
+ at map spawn, there are now Obelisks of Player instead of Circle of Powers, to see which player is which.
+ a bunch of areas are now enter-able, so more space for interiors.
+ removed weather effects from the map. they're known to cause crashes + it allows for better Custom themes if you don't have set weather effects everywhere
+ new Decoration Workers wisp, which creates various types of workers meant to decorate your world.
+ new Barrels/Crates Worker, that can build egg sacks, crates, barrels, barricades, cages and more.
+ new Minerals Worker, that can build gold mines, rocks, mine carts.
+ new Interior Worker, that can build tables, desks, beds and other interior stuff.
+ new Animating Worker, that can build targets like training dummies or archery targets.
+ fixed Create Tree ability saying it only creates Lordaeron Tree in tooltip.
# 1.0.3 to 1.2.0
+ fixed the bugs
+ herolevel command works for all players now, and instead sets the level of the hero to the value (max 100)
+ new heroname command sets the name of the hero to inserted value.
+ new remove command that allows you to remove non-structure units.
+ new playercolor command that allows you to change your color.
+ herocolor command is now unitcolor command
+ new animation command that sets the animation of the targeted unit to what you set
+ new sizelimit on/off command for host (by default on, sets the max size to 500%)
+ new takeoverplayer command for host (gives all units of a computer/unused/left player to the host)
+ new erasetrees command for host (removes all player-placed trees)
+ new tiles on/off command for host (turns tile-placement on/off)