
# 2.7.8

+ Updated to a newer version of Magi Log 'n Load, which fixes the reported issue with terrain not being saved/loaded.

+ Brought back Dragon Roost Builder to Worker Builder 4.

+ Fixed missing stalagmite in Underground builder.

+ City decorations now no longer pitch.

+ Redid a bunch of descriptions for deco workers.

# 2.7.7

+ Updated to a newer version of the Magi Log 'n Load, which has some nice new features and is more efficient.

+ Updated some info in F9.

+ Build number of the map is now displayed in the file name.


(Simply move your saves from Documents/Warcraft III/CustomMapData to Documents/Warcraft III/CustomMapData/AzerothRoleplay.)

# 2.7.6

+ Properly displays map version now.

+ Fixed deco worker of 'Basic Buildings `1' being named W.

+ Fixed 'Ruins' deco worker having wrong hotkey.

+ Added new commands to list of commands.

+ Removed deleted commands from list of commands.

+ Removed requirements from a bunch of heroes.

# 2.7.5

+ Fixed a fuck-up with selection, sorry!

# 2.7.4

+ New Obelisks of Decorations at spawn, which can train the various deco builders, and removed the Decoration Workers wisp.

+ New Host system. If the Host slot in the start menu is empty, the following player (if that slot isn't empty too) will become the host. If the host leaves, another player is picked to be the host.

+ New Critter builders in the Special Workers wisp.

+ New `-buildheight` command. You can now change the height of buildings!

+ New `-locust` command. This makes the currently selected unit/building become unselectable by clicking.

+ New `-controlplayer x` command. (host only) This gives you full control of a computer/empty slot/player who left. This differs from `-takeoverplayer x` because that command gives you the units to you instead.

+ New `-sethost x` command. (host only) The selected player will become the new host of the lobby.

+ New `-invulnerable` amd `-vulnerable` commands. Makes the selected units vulnerable or invulnerable.

+ New `Night Elf Architecture`, `Night Elf Buildings`, `Ashenvale Environment`  and 'Felwood' deco builders.

+ New `Barrens Architecture` and  `Barrens Environment` deco builders.

+ New `Outland Architecture` and `Outland Environment` deco builders.

+ New `City Decorations`, `City Architecture`. `City Ruined` and `Dalaran` deco builders.

+ New `Dungeon` deco builder.

+ New `Lordaeron` deco builder.

+ New `Icecrown Architecture`, `Icecrown Environment` and `Northrend` deco builders.

+ New `Misc 2` deco builder, with even more random shit like crates!

+ Four new `Sunken Ruins` deco builders, new `Underwater` deco builder.

+ New `Water` and `Cold Waters` deco builders.

+ New `Ruins` deco builder.

+ Two new `Basic Buildings` deco builders.

+ Player count has been upped to 16 players.

+ Re-arranged and polished up the wisps a little.

+ Commands are now applied on basis of selection instead of selecting units individually using an ability, which means that you can apply commands to multiple units at once.

+ Temporarily disabled RP chat commands and whatnot.

+ Removed Select IC Unit and Select Command Position abilities from obelisk.

+ Removed Select Unit ability from circle since it is no longer used and replaced it with Select Command Position.

+ All decorations are no longer locked to grid.

+ Changed up the loading screen.

+ Removed `-tiles`, the command which let the host turn on/off tile placement.  (I have never seen this used.)

+ Fixed `-height` not applying height to decorations instantly.

+ Changed the way -`tint` functions. Now it's `-tint xxx xxx xxx xxx`. So if you want a unit to be 50% red, 0% blue, 80% green and 20% transparent, you'd do -`tint 050 000 080 020`.

+ `-height` now applies height instantly instead of over time.

+ Fixed Human Grypgon Aviary training Hawks instead of Armored Eagles.

+ Fixed Height not being saved when using the Save and Load system.

+ Having units inside the Roleplayer Circle no longer renders you unable to save, and instead gives you a warning that those units will not be saved.

+ Replaced the models of the Taming Hall and Guild of Shadows, with the former being renamed to Wolf Pen.

+ Race Wisps, Deco Builders and similar units can now move instantly, just like the Roleplayer Circle.

+ Revamped races' buildings (currently Orcs and Humans) can now be placed anywhere, unprevented by cliffs or doodads.

+ Revamped races' building upgrades (e.g. Barracks to Stables) can now return back to their original form (Stables back to Barracks.)

+ Deco builders now visibly fly.

+ The starting area now has a snowy theme, as Christmas is here.

# 2.6.15

+ Brand new Saving and Loading feature. Use `-save (save file name)` to save your current units, buildings, terrain and more, and `-load (save file name)` to load it all back up!

+ New announcement chat messages. If you are the host, start your messages with an "!" or "%" to send an Announcement message or a Warning Announcement messages, respectively.

+ New RP chat messages. Just start your messages with an ">" to send them as RP messages!

+ New IC chat messages. Just start your messages with an "#" to send them as IC messages, as if said by a unit/hero!

+ New `-erase` command. Removes all current buildings and units you have.

+ New `-kill` command. Kills the currently selected unit.

+ New `-explode` command. Explodes the currently selected unit.

+ New `-text (string)` command. Create text anywhere on the map! Useful for cities and the such.

+ New `-textsize (integer)` command. Select a range from 5-15 for how big your placed text should be!

+ New `-textremove (id)` command. Remove placed text with its respective id! 

+ New "Select Command Position" ability in Obelisk of Players. This functions similarly to the "Select Unit" ability, as in it selects a position to be used for certain commands.

+ New "Select IC Unit" ability in Obelisk of Players. This selects a unit to be used for "#" / IC chat messages!

+ New "Training Footmen" in Deco Worker (Animation).

+ New Loading Screen.

+ New "Hammer of the Shadowlord" and "Blade of the Highlord" items.

+ Entire revamp of the Orcish race.

+ Squires no longer cost food.

+ Paladins no longer have old description.

+ A bunch of unit-heroes have their inventories fixed.

+ Adjusted animations of Bowmen and Arbalesters. (Still not really fixed but I'm not calculating that shit. Modeller's fault for not giving us the values to begin with.)

+ Battering Rams and other transport human units can no longer carry copies of each other.

+ Battering Rams and Battle Chariots can only carry two units now.

+ Carters can only carry four units now.

+ Carters and Battle Chariots are now mechanical.

+ Battle Chariots can now target flying units.

+ Map is SD-only again. (When did it switch to both?? No idea.)

+ Carters now act as gold and lumber drop-offs.

+ Human "Hawks" replaced with "Armored Eagles".

# 2.5.2

+ Fixed unit heroes having wrong player color if you're not Player 1. (Hopefully?)

+ Female Footman, Female Captain and Female Mage heroes now have hero glow.

+ Human Shipyard, Dwarven Shipyard, Scarlet Shipyard, Gilneas Shipyard, and High Elf Barracks now have 1 second building time.

# 2.5.1

 + Fixed `default` setting for `-era` command not working.

# 2.5.0

+ Entire revamp of the Human race. WAYYY too many changes to list here.

+ Added Kristy, Karina, ValadusX, and Cresselia to the list of donators.

+ Changed the spacing of the lines in the Credits part of F9.

+ New Tavern of Champions at spawn, where Supporters/Donators can get their custom heroes.

+ New Obelisk of Legendary Items at spawn, where items created by me will be added from now on.

+ New "Lost Book of Deathblade" item, with 6 unique summoning spells.

+ New -era command, with further options `doom`, `gloom`, `peace`, `tension`, `void`, `war`, `zero`, and `default`. Host-only.

+ Replaced the models of all the High Elven buildings.

+ Fixed `-setherostat` not working for Players 11 and 12.

+ Removed "Community Edition" from the host playerlist from the menu, before starting a game.

+ Deco workers now have Max Speed.

+ New... `-KARL` command..?

# 2.4.0

+ Tauren Great Hall no longer duplicates itself upon upgrade.

+ Nordrassil is no longer owned by Player 4 when the game starts.

+ Removed Potion of Erasure from the Goblin Merchant.

+ Added all the Donators to the Credits, with fancy colored names.

+ New -height command, which changes the height of the target unit.

+ New -setstat command, able to change `hp`, `maxhp`, `mana`, `maxmana`, `armor`, `damage`, `speed` of a unit/hero/building.

+ New -setherostat command, able to change `str`, `int`, `agi` of a hero.

+ Replaced Gundrak model.

+ Replaced Nexus model.

+ Replaced Kharazhan model.

+ Replaced Zul'aman model

+ New area at spawn where you can buy every item from Warcraft 3 (Campaign and Melee) + A bunch of custom items.

+ All items now have an initial stock timer of 1 to 0.

+ All items now have a maximum and default stock amount of 100.

+ All charged items are no longer charged, instead being permanent.

+ Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination can now be dropped.

# 2.3.0

+ Units no longer have magic immunity.

+ New -codename command that gives out the default name of a unit/building. (Meant for debug/dev use.)

+ Replaced the building models of the Bandit race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Argent race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Dark Iron Dwarves race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Dwarven race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Worgen race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Scarlet race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Wretched race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Pandaren race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Tauren race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Blackrock Orcs race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Chaos Orcs race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Tuskarr race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Troll race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Nerubian race.

+ Replaced the building models of the Gnoll race.

+ Added some new building models to the Dalaran race.

+ Added some new building models to the Vrykul race.

+ Added some new building models to the Ogre race.

+ New Human Banners Deco Worker, with the banners of the 7 human kingdoms.

+ New Misc Banners Deco Worker, with the banners of Dwarven Clans/Cities + Pandaren allegiances.

+ New Village Buildings Deco Worker, with various village buildings.

+ New City Buildings Deco Worker, with various city buildings.

+ New Dwarf Buildings Deco Worker, with various dwarf city buildings.

# 2.2.5

+ fixed lich king not being capturable.

+ fixed short version of Rotate command ('f) not working.

# 2.2.4

+ added new Zoom command (-zoom xxxx)

+ added new Wander and Unwander commands, which give/remove the wander ability from a unit (makes units move randomly like critter)

+ added short versions of Rotate, Size, Give and Unit Color commands ('f, 's, 'g and 'c respectively)

# 2.2.3

+ map is SD only now.

# 2.2.2

+ added 2.2.0 commands to command list.

# 2.2.1

+ fixed unally command

+ alliance settings are no longer locked.

+ fixed new walls/towers being angled on slopes.

# 2.2.0

+ rotation abilities are now instant (no more delay by one usage)

+ rotation abilities for 20 and 90 degrees have been changed to 15 and 60 degrees respectively

+ new rotate command (-rotate xxx)

+ added new Death decoworker

+ added new Farmer decoworker

+ added new Stone Architecture decoworker

+ new removeblockers command. toggles on/off whether Remove Destructibles will remove pathing blockers (-removeblockers on/off)

+ added new Create Pathing Blocker ability.

+ added new Display Destructibles ability, which displays all destructibles in a target area (including pathing blockers)

# 2.1.0

+ fixed arrays not having initial values for all players

+ tree area was made smaller

+ new gate area next to tree area

+ they have indicators now

+ another empty void area has been turned into potential space for interiors

+ circle can now load/unload units.

+ increased max command length for some commands like unitname, heroname and animation.

+ changed model of Temple of Shadows, should no longer be bugged.

+ removed pathing of Throne 2

+ added settime and settimespeed commands for host. (-settime xx.xx) (-settimespeed xxx)

+ added blightspread and unblightspread commands, makes target unit spread blight. (-blightspread, -unblightspread)

+ added new Place Blight and Remove Blight abilities in World Manipulation. obvious what they do by name.

# 2.0.1

+ fixed commands not working for player 2

+ fixed gate commands

# 2.0.0

+ added tint command. works with values from 10 to 99, and an additional 4th value will include transparency. (-tint xx xx xx [xx])

+ fixed bug with saying commands mid-sentence actually triggering the commands

+ added roll command. rolls value between 1 and your value (-roll x)

+ added new tile size command. allows you to increase the size of your tile placement (max 3, default 1). (-tilesize x)

+ shift-clicking tile placement is fast now.

+ added unally command. automatically unallies the numbered player (-unally x)

+ added ally command. automatically allies the numbered player (-ally x)

+ in the back-end, the gates have been entirely rewritten.

+ in the back-end, capturable structures have been entirely rewritten.

+ added give command. automatically gives the selected unit to the numbered player (-give x)

+ roleplayer's menu can now move (instantly), and a bunch of abilities have been re-arranged.

+ initialization triggers have been rewritten.

+ roleplayer's menu is now roleplayer's circle, and can build the wisps.

+ as such, the circle of power has been removed as the wisp builder.

+ at map spawn, there are now Obelisks of Player instead of Circle of Powers, to see which player is which.

+ a bunch of areas are now enter-able, so more space for interiors.

+ removed weather effects from the map. they're known to cause crashes + it allows for better Custom themes if you don't have set weather effects everywhere

+ new Decoration Workers wisp, which creates various types of workers meant to decorate your world.

+ new Barrels/Crates Worker, that can build egg sacks, crates, barrels, barricades, cages and more.

+ new Minerals Worker, that can build gold mines, rocks, mine carts.

+ new Interior Worker, that can build tables, desks, beds and other interior stuff.

+ new Animating Worker, that can build targets like training dummies or archery targets.

+ fixed Create Tree ability saying it only creates Lordaeron Tree in tooltip.

# 1.0.3 to 1.2.0

+ fixed the bugs 

+ herolevel command works for all players now, and instead sets the level of the hero to the value (max 100) 

+ new heroname command sets the name of the hero to inserted value. 

+ new remove command that allows you to remove non-structure units. 

+ new playercolor command that allows you to change your color. 

+ herocolor command is now unitcolor command 

+ new animation command that sets the animation of the targeted unit to what you set 

+ new sizelimit on/off command for host (by default on, sets the max size to 500%) 

+ new takeoverplayer command for host (gives all units of a computer/unused/left player to the host) 

+ new erasetrees command for host (removes all player-placed trees) 

+ new tiles on/off command for host (turns tile-placement on/off)